Tiffany Attrill, Independent for District 23, Position 1 for Washington State Legislature
Our legislative process has gone astray with recent bills threatening our safety and undermining our values, so it’s time to bring common sense back to Olympia.
— Tiffany Attrill

Meet Tiffany Attrill

Are you ready for positive change in Olympia? I know I am. 

Hello, my name is Tiffany Attrill. Today, I'm embarking on a journey for everyone who believes in a brighter, more compassionate future for Washington State. 

My life and career are committed to giving voice to the voiceless, from advocating for neglected and abused children to survivors of sexual assault, robbery, and homicide. As a long-time Victims' Advocate with the Seattle Police Department and King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, I've walked hand-in-hand with too many families torn apart by senseless violence, supporting them as they worked to rebuild their shattered lives in their fight for justice.

Our legislative process has gone astray with recent bills threatening our safety and undermining our values. It is time to bring common sense back to Olympia and give voice to the people most directly impacted by criminal behavior---victims and survivors of crime.

That's why I'm running for the Washington State Legislature as an Independent candidate for House District 23. 

Both parties have lost their way in Olympia. Witnessing policies that prioritize the rights of convicted violent felons over the rights of victims, survivors, and their families is where I draw the line. My opponent's one-sided and misguided agenda reduces consequences for those who commit violent person-against-person crimes. That's dangerous for my family and yours.

But our challenges extend beyond criminal justice. We need policies encouraging affordable housing construction, robust job training programs, and small business growth to invigorate our local economy. 

Moreover, sustainable and accessible transportation solutions are essential for fostering connectivity and enhancing our quality of life.

I support robust healthcare access. We all thrive when our people, families, and communities are strong, healthy, and resilient.

So, I refuse to remain silent in the face of these challenges. I will be a vocal advocate for those who feel silenced. If we want to reshape Olympia, we must change the voices we send there. That's why I'm stepping up as an independent voice dedicated to restoring rationality to our legislative process. 

Yes, challenging the entrenched political establishment is no small feat. But together, I am confident we can forge a more secure future. I invite you to join me on this journey to create a brighter tomorrow for District 23 and our state.